A large size fascinating folio sheet filled with engravings of ships and navigation instruments. At the center is a large view of a frigate showing the rigging in great detail. Other engravings include methods of construction, naval combat, several different types of ships, compasses, sextant, quadrant, volvelle, and a superb wind rose.
French text descriptions are shown below the engravings. Very suitable for framing, a unique find for these interested in early maritime prints.
Title: Nouvelle Carte Pour Conduire A La Connoissance De La Marine Et A Demontrer La Plus Part Des Instruments
Chatelain family
Huguenot pastor Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684–1743) was born in Paris, but moved across Europe as religious hostilities increased under Louis XIV. Throughout the early decades of the seventeenth century, Chatelain worked with his father, Zacharie (died 1723), and later his son, also Zacharie (1690–1754), to publish a number of influential maps and books. Chatelain’s drafted his own original maps, which conveyed the breadth of his historical and geographical knowledge through their ethnographic, heraldic and cosmographic details.