Het prinsenjacht Piet Hein

Ravesteijn, Baanders, Spies - The Prince's Yacht Piet Hein, with the cooperation of the Technical Commission, charged with the construction of the Prince's Yacht - Schiedam, H.A.M. Roelants, Koninklijke Nederlandsche Boekdrukkerij, 1937 - 69 pp.

This copy, including the memory card for the financial contribution made to the wedding gift of Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard, 1937


Het prinsenjacht Piet Hein - 1937 - Ship Brochure
Publication Place / Date
Image Dimensions
/ 1937
29 by 21 cm
Hand Colored Lithographs
Product Price
Product Number
USD 120
SKU #B.0016