Carte Particuliere Des Isles Moluques

Detailed map of part of the northern Moluccas (North Maluku Islands in present day Indonesia). The map encompasses the islands of Herij, Ternate, Tidor (Tidore), Pottebackers, Timor or Mothir (today Moti), Machian (Makian) and Bachian (Bacan), and part of Gilolo Island (today, Halmahera), and is based on Dutch sources.

These Maluku Islands were the only source of cloves in the world for many centuries, and its true location was a closely kept secret by traders who knew of them. European exploration of Southeast Asia was motivated by the desire to find these islands and have monopolies of their own.

Jacques Nicolas Bellin
Moluccan Islands of Ternate and Tidor
Publication Place / Date
Image Dimensions
Paris / 1750
165 x 225 mm.
Black and White
Product Price
Product Number
USD 95
SKU #M.0088