The Malay Peninsula A Record of British Progress - First 1912 Edition

A rare first edition of Arnold Wright's "The Malay Peninsula", a beautiful and comprehensive book by a trained journalist, with numerous invaluable photographs of the region. Wright seemed to make his living advertising 'the permanent planting of the Union Jack' in various parts of the world. This book is in many ways a follow up to his "Twentieth Century Impressions of British Malaya", published at the turn of the century. The authors record the country's recent history and the advances made by British power in 'converting this No-Man's-Land of a few decades since into the home of one of the most thriving and contented communities owning the British sway.  

A bright, beautiful copy with a large foldout colour map of Malaya and Singapore. The book includes 360 pages 51 black and white plates.

Content:  Introductory / The Dawn of British Power / Life in an Early / Eastern Settlement / The Search for a New Settlement / Occupation of Penang / Penang Attains its Majority / British and Dutch in the Straits / Occupation of Singapore / British Development in the Peninsula /  Widening the Area of British influence / The Non-Federated States / Legislation and Administration / Singapore: The Gate of the Far East / Means of Communication / Mining / Rubber and Other Agricultural Products / The People / Commerce and Shipping / The Future of Malaya

The Malay Peninsula - First 1912 Edition
Publication Place / Date
Image Dimensions
London / 1912
Product Price
Product Number
USD 440
SKU #B.0032