Scarce large size lithograph showing a court scene, entitled "De Landraad". Seen is a court session that took place around 1865 in Pati, a regency on Java. The print is made after a photograph that was taken around the year 1860-65. (ref. Loos-Haaxman, J. de, Verlaat Rapport Indiƫ, 1968, p.46.)
The print was published for Mieling his "De Indische Archipel. Tafereelen uit de natuur en het volksleven in Indiƫ". It was in January 1862 that a Prospectus was issued by C. W. Mieling, The Hague, announcing the publication of what is the most spectacular of the plate works of Indonesia, De Indische Archipel, which commenced publication in The Hague in 1865. The work contains 24 large chromolithograph plates which are among the largest published on Indonesia. From both a topographical and artistic point of view, the plates are of considerable interest as they present a comprehensive series of views in the archipelago, ranging through Java, Borneo, Sumatra and Minahasa, after drawings by virtually all the prominent mid-nineteenth century artists of Indonesia such as Raden Saleh, A. Salm, E. Hardouin and many more.
This print, which hardly appears on the market, is a fine collector's print for those interested in colonial Indonesia, very suitable for framing.