Een Javaansche Palankijn

A detailed engraving showing a Palanquin on Java. Palankin - former means of transportation in the form of a covered chair or couch used by the aristocracy in the Far and the Middle East, especially in India and China since ancient times. It was carried by the porters with the help of the bars. In the case of long journeys to the palanquin, there were three porters changing - up to 12 people - and one porter carrying luggage. The average speed when travelling with palanquin was about 6-6.5 km

entitled: Javaansche Palankijn

Printed and published in the year 1883 in the Netherlands, these decorative plates are described under the image in Dutch and French. 

Palanquin on Java
Publication Place / Date
Image Dimensions
The Netherlands / 1883
150 by 219 mm
Black and White
VG / Study images carefully.
Product Price
Product Number
USD 50
SKU #P.1215